Project currently on hold. Coming some time soon-ish… 🙂
BYA is a project that was originally meant to be launched in the spring of 2023 but in Feb 2023 life threw a major curveball at me and I decided to move back to the UK (again) and set out on a path (once again) that I was afraid was lost to me at this point. Fortunately, I was wrong about that! But let me tell you, it’s been a real ride… BYA had to be put aside for an unspecified amount of time but it is something I believe in so so so deeply so when the time is right, it will happen! Until then, love, love, love to all of you creative souls that found their way to this obscure part of the internet. <3 – Niki
conquer your fears, create with ease
Balance Your Act
A community for hungry-to-create storytellers who are ready to step out of the vicious cycle of stress, fear and self-doubt and into a world filled with supportive voices and meaningful connections.
Our stories matter! Let’s share them with the world!

BYA is for you if:
- You are a storyteller – filmmaking, writing, poetry, acting, music, photography, comics,… You don’t have to pick one medium! There are so many ways stories can be told.
- You are tired of feeling alone and like the weird-one-out and excited to connect with people who share your passion for stories. (And who understand and can relate to your struggles.)
- You want to learn how to better manage stress, time and the forever self-doubting monkey mind, so you can feel more comfortable in your body AND your mind.
Sounds like you?

Hi, I’m Niki
I’m a slightly chaotic yoga instructor, filmmaker, photographer, musician, philosophy and psychology enthusiast, history nerd, an expert in clumsy and a hopeless idealist.
I’m on a mission to help creators like me – those who often feel alone, scared, never enough, never ready – to find their voice and confidence so that we can all bring the stories that are brimming in our heads to life and share them with the world.
My friends say I’m a walking disaster but you’ll have to judge that yourself.
I mostly reside in Zlín, Czech Republic, and sometimes in Cardiff, Wales.
Inside BYA
So, what’s actually happening inside this community, I hear you ask.
Topic of the Month
Each month we focus on an area that tends to be a pain-point in the life of a creative.
- Educational/coaching videos on the topic – beginning of the month + additional bite-size content throughout the month
- Well-being mini challenge of the month
- Suggested yoga, meditation and journaling practices for the month
Community Calls and Open Mics
Each month we hold a LIVE community call where we chat and connect as a community of creatives.
Every 2 months we hold a LIVE Open Mic event
- Anything goes.
- Music,
- poetry,
- a performance piece,
- practice pitching an idea, …
- …
Let’s help each other out and have some fun!
- Conscious Corner
- where we extend a helping hand, offer kind words and encouragement, and ask for help
- Let’s Create Together
- find collaborators for your projects
- Accountability Buddies
- Gimme, gimme, gimme some feedback
- BYA Book Club
- BYA Film Club
Do you have many limiting beliefs about yourself and what you can achieve? Are you an expert in self-sabotage? So much so that you could write a book about it?
Yeah, me too. How odd! We should defo be friends!

The Mission of ByA
Balance Your Act is here to bring together storytellers from all around the world, to offer them tools and encouragement, so that they can transform the ideas from inside their minds into works of art the world can read, watch, listen to, experience, …
It is a space where we, as storytellers, support each other, hold each other accountable and create new opportunities for ourselves.
It is a space where we learn how to deal with stress, limiting beliefs, and impostor syndrome, so that we can feel better in our bodies AND our minds and finally step out of fear and tell our stories with more confidence, supported by a loving community.